Tak tahu...
Angin bertiup begitu saja..
Tau tahu bagaimana..
Sepoi-sepoi menembus kulit..
Tak tahu dari mana datangnya...
Pernah ku tanya rumput, tiada jawaban...
Pernah ku tanya dedaunan, hening...
Angin ini...
Mungkin itulah adanya...
Tak perlu dipertanyakan...
Cukup dirasakan...
Ku titipkan sebuah angan...
Terbanglah bersama angin...
Life is like reading a book..that's the way i see it! When i read the first page, i can't wait to flip to the next page. Curious and anxious to know, what's next! Whether the story will have a happy ending or an ending fill with tears. I do not know where or how my story will end..but so far, i'm blessed with every single page that i read! I would like to share the rest of my story with u..coz without u, i may have few blank chapters in my story..
beauty is not about looks, make-up or clothes. true beauty comes from being yourself, the more you show who you really are the prettier you will be